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The Life of Faith

“Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”  (Rom. 5:1).
One of the beautiful truths about God’s Kingdom is that everything along our walk has a purpose. We begin our Christian life in faith. And just as we begin our life in faith, so we must also continue to walk in faith; Paul wrote “Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him” (Colossians 2:6). God made everything about our recovery possible through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which is solely through faith.
Apostle Paul has been building God’s case against those who refuse to accept Jesus as the Christ  before the above statement was made in his letter to the Roman Church. He had earlier clearly stated what God has done to provide salvation or justification by faith. The Scriptures teach that we embrace Christ by faith and the level of one’s understanding of how one receives Christ by faith defines how we live the Christian life. Christ, who truly took our human nature, was made like us in every respect except that of sin. He came to be the Lamb without blemish who, by the sacrifice of Himself, once made, takes away the sins of the world. In bringing us to salvation, the Spirit of God reveals the guilt of our sin and shows us our total inability to save ourselves or make ourselves right with God through our own efforts. Then, through the Word of God in the gospel.  He reveals the all-sufficiency of Christ as Lord and Saviour. The result is that, by the grace of God, when the sinner turns to Christ in faith, he receive salvation.
Beloved brethren, Our Life of faith must affect the whole of our mind, will and emotions and should result in a life committed to Christ. For the peace described by Paul in the text above to be our lot, we must enter into a life of commitment to, trust in and dependence on the person of Christ.
This is primarily a life focused continually on the person of Jesus Christ in love, submission and obedience. Faith is the gift of God. And He alone who gives it, can increase it. The Author of faith is also the Finisher of it. This is the reason why  the Holy Scripture declares to us that it is only in the name of Jesus Christ that men must be saved, and those who are not so saved, are damned everlasting.
Have a most sober week as you reflect on the weight of your sins the Lord has carried for you.
Your brother, Vicar & Archdeacon
S. Igein Isemede