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Who Is Christ To You?

Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.”  “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”   (Luke 9: 18 -20)
A background look at the children of Israel as at the time Jesus asked Peter this question is essential. The Jews were expecting a messiah whom they expected to be the following amongst other things:
A powerful political world leader. Isaiah in particular anticipated one who would be a global conqueror, one who would rule the world.
A supernatural being who would put paid to man’s misery.
A great warrior who would liberate his people from oppressive rule, especially the Romans with their oppressive tax system.
It was in this context that the question was asked  “who do the people say the Son of Man is? This question is pertinent in the sense that in spite of the testimony of  scripture and history as to the Messianic mission of Jesus of Nazareth, Israel, as a nation, remained largely sceptical and would not embrace her Messiah. The Good news however, is that in the midst of all these polytheistic Israel, some people stood out, each time the Jews prostituted themselves with other gods. This pattern was the same from Genesis to Revelations. In Genesis 7: 17-27, Noah stood out in his generation, and in spite of scorn and derision, he built a boat on dry ground which later turned out to be the only hope for a drowning world.
When God showed mercy after visiting His anger on the lawlessness that pervaded Israel during the exodus from Egypt, He did what seemed ridiculous. He instructed Moses to hoist a bronze serpent on a pole to serve as antidote for all who were dying from the venom of the serpents. Again, those who obeyed and looked at the piece of metal, had the poison ravaging their critical organs neutralised and they lived.
Hundreds of years before the time of Jesus, the Greeks occupied Israel and forced their religion on the Israelites. The Greek religion was based on mythology which thus introduced to Israel, the idea of polytheism. Psalm 115: 5-7 describes the idol worship that typified some sections of Israel at that time. People who followed the Greek religious myths believed that a man who could perform miracles was a god (Acts 14: 8-13). We are very much at home with this though form in Nigeria.  Paul had to work hard to show his misguided audience that man would always be man and not God. Today, in our religious pluralized society, many hold on to different ideologies, philosophies and creeds which shape their lives and determine their destinies. In such a situation, it is important that the minority that would not laugh at a man investing in a shipyard right in the middle of the desert or one who would not ask ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ be preserved. As was the case of Noah or Moses, the salvation of many, including yours, depends on doing what appears to the world as foolishness.
For the minority that appreciats the person and mission of Jesus Christ, the word of God is enough daily sustenance and the promised Messiah –  Christ represents their very existence, the essence of their being (Colossians 9: 18-27). To them Christ is all and in all i.e Christ dictates where they go, what they do, what they say, what they wear, etc. To them Jesus Christ is LORD.
Today this question is posed to each of us  “Who is Christ to you?” Is He just the Carpenter’s son or is He more than that? If today, for that sin which your conscience keeps reminding you of, the Flood or the serpent is allowed to do its work, where will you be? The Ark was a type of Christ. The hoisted bronze serpent represents Christ nailed to the cross. Today, the types have given way to the real! Behold a greater than Solomon is here! Who is Jesus Christ to you? A Saviour or a Judge. He has to be one.
Have a peaceful week as you make a choice for Jesus Christ to give your conscience   peace over those sins that keep reminding you of hell-fire.

Your brother, Vicar & Archdeacon
Igein Isemede